In Dollhouse, Dushku plays a young woman named Echo, a member of a group of people known as "Actives" or "Dolls." The Dolls have had their personalities wiped clean so they can be imprinted with any number of new personas, including memory, muscle memory, skills, and language, for different assignments. They're then hired out for particular jobs, crimes, fantasies, and occasional good deeds. On missions, Actives are monitored internally (and remotely) by Handlers. In between tasks, they are mind-wiped into a child-like state and live in a futuristic dormitory/laboratory, a hidden facility nicknamed "The Dollhouse". The story follows Echo, who begins, in her mind-wiped state, to become self-aware.
Βαθμολογία: 7.8 /10 (Πολύ καλή)
Πληροφορίες | Tailers
Ηθοποιοί: Eliza Dushku, Harry Lennix, Fran Kranz, Tahmoh Penikett, Enver Gjokaj, Dichen Lachman, Olivia Williams, Amy Acker, Reed Diamond, Miracle Laurie, Aisha Hinds, Liza Lapira, Mark Sheppard, Erin Cummings, Ashley Johnson, Kevin Kilner, Brett Claywell, Angel Desai, Clayton Rohner, Alan Tudyk, Rico E. Anderson, Paul Ganus, Natalie Graziano, Stacey Scowley, Christian J. Meoli, Marie Lynn,
Σκηνοθεσία: Δεν Υπάρχουν Πληροφορίες
Είδος: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller ...